For this specific movie, nobody except a few randoms showed up since it had been just the gadget timer. For the structure video, everyone went home once they neglected to reinforce it.Thank you for highlighting how horrifically overpowered and  EVE Mobile ISK imbalanced shield bubbles would be. I typed my comment before viewing your movie, that's how confident I was that you were using shield bubbles. Turns out I was correct.

The Strip Mining Effect - EVE Echoes Market

Looking at the upgraded tier graph for October 3rd, you will see that each the ore has gone down in value at ISK per m3. I will cover exactly how much every ore has gone down later on in this movie, so stick around if you want to know how these rates were decided. This change is caused by  EVE Echoes ISK Cheap the dramatic fall in the purchase price of Mexallon within the past week, losing over 46% of it's value. Scordite is still the ore that you would like to be focusing in high sec because of it having the highest output of Pyerite, which remains in demand. Dark Ochre and Pyroxeres can be found in some 0.5 large sec systems with tier 4 asteroid belts and clusters, so make sure too look for dark ochre and pyroxeres first if you're in one of those 0.5 systems and turn your focus onto scordite in your high sec mining.


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