by on March 26, 2022

Hollow-Heals energy of 84 over 28-70 seconds. Construction-These beds sometimes fall apart, but in the event that they do Cheap RS Gold, then you'll be sucked into them for only a brief duration, and can receive certain "under-the-bed things. Dream-Heals 96 joules over 29 seconds and 75 seconds of construction. The bed allows you to go into an alternate world in order to allow you to cut more Dream trees and allows you to collect Dream Runes (Used in Dream Magic described later).

Normal pillow-Collect 15 feathers and use them with the pillow case (bought from any retail store) and then use the needle and thread to finish it off! It gives you five extra hours of energy levels during your sleep!

Rainbow pillows- Take 15 Rainbow feathers and place it with a pillow case (bought at any store that sells general merchandise), and use a needle and thread to finish it! You will get 14 additional hours of energy over sleep time!

Dramen pillows-Collect 15 Dramen leaves and then use them in a pillow case (bought from any general store) and then apply thread and needle to finish it off! It gives you 27 more hours of recovered energy during sleep!

Dream or Fairy pillow-Collect 15 Fairy Wings and use them with a pillowcase (bought at any major store) then use thread and needle to finish it off runescape gold buy! It gives you 35 more hours of recovered energy throughout the night!

Posted in: Entertainment
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