So I hit 99 slayers now... and  OSRS gold to be perfectly honest with myself, I truly don't care much for skilling. So I'm going to try and reach 120 slayers. Anyone have any advice on which tasks I should obstruct, what presets I should assign in my own bank, and anything I should purchase as soon as possible?

I generally use a Steel Titan on jobs or a Yak. Any advice on upgrades? Tasks I think I'm doing wrong: Dagannoths- Should I be doing DKS instead of going to the lighthouse? Arts/Kalg- Everyone else seems to enjoy doing these jobs... Metal Dragons- If I am picking up the bones/bars? Is the Rush of Blood worth it? Morvran's particular slayer job? VIP tickets? Thank you in advance.

Since I've been asked to weigh in, I will provide you some advice. Subj robes/virtus, chaotic employees, or virtus wand/book. Bandos/torva and drugstores or dual chaotic rapiers. Vip slayer tickets (I used about 150 becoming to 104m from 23m). 1k+ holy overloads. Having t80 helps a lot over t70, and t90 melee is a really good investment. Block/Prefer listBlock-Desert wyrms-Grotworms-Nechs-Jadinkos-gargoyles-sulfites-Additional task if you Have Sufficient quest points

Prefer-games-much-haircuts-aviansies-cele dragons-elves. It is not worth extending jobs, bypass any jobs that are slow or have very high numbers (ie 115 iron dragons). Slay girl/dks if you have boss task as them or need gp. Always try to have kree/krill or even dunks boss task to acquire bonus xp+reaper points. Have magic/range/slayer quick gear setups ready, with melee/magic as 1 and 2 because you may use them. Use ultimate abilities, they're worthwhile to watch hp using berserk. Use Bonecrusher wherever possible unless GP is a problem, spring wash all items mithril.

I'm no great shakes in the fight but these are what I believe to be quite great (probably not the very best but they work well) Melee dual wield = rotate through the basics of both Sever, Decimate, Slice, Punish, (in that order) and then use the thresholds Assault, Destroy, Slaughter (+ kick ability or proceed under the opponent if they're larger than 1x1) in any order you like.No, that isn't because they don't understand how to nerf a thing - it is the flaw in the tier system itself. The grading system is honestly a HORRIBLE idea. For people who haven't realized, almost all weapons and  Cheap RS gold armor are now scaled using an incredibly easy, direct relationship with demand level. The result of this is that the death of the uniqueness of weapons or armour.

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