by on November 6, 2020
Jump-shooting and completing will also get a revamp with the new Pro Stick update. However, 2K will eliminate the quick draw and put release speed back to  NBA 2K21 MT Coins Jump Shot creator 2K recently announced that the next-gen edition of 2K21 will probably be $10 more expensive than the current-gen one. This resulted in a heated debate in the gaming community. However, considering the numerous changes and improvements that 2K claims to have made, it could prove worth the extra money. Hop...
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by on October 24, 2020
Hi, I cant  MT 2K21 decide if I buy the approaching NBA2k21 to PC or PS4. Do you guys anticipate the NBA2k21 pc version to exactly the same as the 2k20 version? With this I suggest that the community on pc died in 2 months after the launch and the online feels as if you are playing with wooden block. I tried the 2k20 online on pc and ps4 and there is a massive difference how much better that the 2k20 online were on the ps4. YO! Whatever you do... DO NOT GET IT ON PC!! I wound up purchasing ...
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