by on April 30, 2020


Electricity can be produced through different methods.

  1. Mechanical e.g  Bicycle dynamo, Electric generator
  2. Heat energy e.g  thermocouple
  3. Solar Energy e.g  Solar cells
  4. Chemical Energy e.g  Electric cells


Solar Cells, Photoelectric Effect , Photo Electric Emission

Solar cells--   Electricity production

Electricity is produced in solar cells through the process called PhotoElectric Effect or Emmission

Photoelectric Effect or Emission is the process where by Electrons are produced when light(sunlight) falls on a photosensitive surface. For example  surface of potassium . The movement of the electrons produced constitute  current.

A photocell or photoelectric cells is called solar cells.

Solar cells consists of a photosensitive surface as a cathode and a wire ring as the anode. When visible light falls on the surface , electrons are emitted. The electron emitted is proportional  to the intensity of the light and the surface area. These electrons move from cathode to the anode and constitute electric current

see figure above

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