by on March 24, 2020


Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan  FOLLOW

Danghara State University                                    FOLLOW

Institute of Economy and Trade of the TSUC in Khujand City       FOLLOW

Institute of Energy of Tajikistan                           FOLLOW

Institute of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan          FOLLOW

Khatlon State Medical University                        FOLLOW

Khujand Polytechnical Institute of Tajik Technical University         FOLLOW

Khujand State University Academician Bobojon Ghafurov FOLLOW

Kulyab State University Abuabdullohi Rudaki    FOLLOW

Kurganteppa State University                              FOLLOW

Mining Metallurgy Institute of Tajikistan             FOLLOW

Moscow Stae University Dushanbe                      FOLLOW

Russian-Tajik Slavonic University                        FOLLOW

Tajik Agrarian University Shirinsho Shotemur     FOLLOW

Tajik Institute of Art and Culture Mirzo Tursunzade            FOLLOW

Tajik Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service   FOLLOW

Tajik Institute of Languages S Ulugzoda             FOLLOW

Tajik National University                                      FOLLOW

Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Panjakent              FOLLOW

Tajik State Institute of Art and Design                FOLLOW

Tajik State Medical University Avicenna             FOLLOW

Tajik State Pedagogical University                       FOLLOW

Tajik State University of Commerce                    FOLLOW

Tajik State University of Finance and Economics     FOLLOW

Tajik Technical University                                    FOLLOW

Tajikistan State University of Law Business & Politics         FOLLOW

Technological University of Tajikistan                 FOLLOW

Posted in: Education
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