These prizes are a part of the seasons and NBA 2K22 MT when they're gone they're gone (unless you auction off your profits). If you do not take advantage of these premium prizes can lead players to get further and further behind as the seasons advance.

The first goal of the season that is not achieved is just a matter of a death toll. The next opponents are likely to have badges, cards and even upgrades. Yes, there will be new prizes however having access to every seasonal prize will give you more advantages than it may seem.

Not everything is a simple VC buyout. There are many prizes and upgrades that are locked behind different forms of currency that cannot be purchased with real-world currency. This is actually a good thing; it means they're real-world purchases that are affordable for everyone.

People who are stuck in a VC mindset can be fantastic when it comes to auction packs and house items however they'll miss out on the most effective gear that comes only when they exchange tokens in addition to MyTeam (MT) currency. Make sure to prioritize these currencies over VC.

The temptation is to build one team that has an character. It's certainly fun to have a team who has created their whole identity based on shooting threes. But it gets boring quickly as opponents see the situation is changing, and alter their defensive priorities using a single click, and finally, make it impossible to Buy 2K MT score.

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