Come back to  RuneScape gold my pyramid for one final job. He'll then disappear right away. Azzanadra will appear there. However, I want your assistance once again. I myself researched the crypt nearby, and I have uncovered a secret trapdoor in King Alirin's burial chamber. Thus, you want me to investigate? Yes. I believe there's another object there which should be brought back to my pyramid to continue the war with Zamorak.

What do you really want this time? My sword. It is an object of fantastic power, and it could be used to kill many Zamorakians. I believe it had been mistakenly put in the hidden chamber. I will go get it. Now you must come back to the crypt into King Alirin's throne room. If you attempt to enter from the doorway south-west of this bandit's camp, then you'll discover that it is sealed off with a rockslide. Instead, you must visit the secret entrance by Eblis as well as the mirrors.

Along the hills, there is a cave entrance. Enter it, and walk down the long passageway until you come to a door. Open it, and you will be in King Alirin's throne room. Now search the flooring of this room until you find a trapdoor. Open this, and walked down the ladder. You will come to a round chamber with five tombs along the side. Immedietly when you enter that chamber, a mummy (level 98), will come out of every one of the tombs. You have to defeat them all, and then search there tombs that they arrived from. On any random one out of the five, you will come across a secret doorway.

Enter the doorway, and you'll visit a little, square room filled with golden ornaments and bracelets around the walls, and gold vases with symbols of Zaros on them (you can't take them ). There are several saphire respond points (they only respond every moment,) and at the centre there will be a stone cage. You will want to'Attack' the stone crate (requires 70 strength and a wepon using crush.) The crate includes 250 HP, and 99 defence, but can't strike back. When it is completely ruined, however, it is going to collapse and deal 36-40 damage on you. There'll be a brief cutscene in which the Sword of Azzanadra will look, glowing on  OSRS Gold For Sale the ground. You will automaticaly pick it up. Exit the crypt, and mind back to Azzanadra's living room in the pyramid. Azzanadra will be there. Talk with him.


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