With a bank tab full of  RuneScape gold all the clothing requirements (I'd collect them as you go along, but you can purchase them all ahead ) and teleports to all the places (and a guide before your memory is perfect), you should have the ability to earn 500k-1M/hr normally. Note that the majority of this will come from an extra lucky scroll every few hours or so, where you'll get a god webpage or some wanted bit of trimmed gear.

The quickest way to acquire clue scrolls would be to pickpocket female HAM members. They are easier than the men (so you've got a greater rate of success), so you'll receive scrolls faster. Wear glasses of silence and any other thieving equipment I have forgotten: the secret to this procedure is that you get doing scrolls down to a fine art, to the point at which you're doing 5, 6, or 7 in an hour. If you can not wear gloves of silence nonetheless, do not worry.

Hi there wondering what I should bind besides my current prom 2h along with gorg platebody. Haven't done a whole lot of dg so I'm only lvl 90 but I plan on getting into it during eoc. So, what sort of items do I add to your own repertoire? Set 1: 1H weapon, protect, platebody, hood OR 2H weapon, platebody, platelegs, hood. Set 2: bow, leatherbody, chaps, hood. If you would like, you can try a hybrid pair rather, sacrificing some protection for more versatility. You can replace the leg thing with BN or Hex if you find any of those. Hex is still broken in eoc though. Surgebox is currently glitched from the live match, and is becoming obsolete anyhow in eoc because staves supply all elemental runes.

When compared with this emptiness nerf, this nerf actually made sense because of all of the people I've seen using it and using it a few times, It was pretty OP. You know how they stated Korasi's was overpowered? Dharok's was like this, except it was actually overpowered. Ridiculously overpowered, even. It makes sense that it could be nerfed down to any other Barrows equipment.

No you dont get it, Jagex does not understand the idea of a nerf. A nerf is utilized to stop something being overpowered and return it to a level where it is acceptable, they've made dharoks another set of generic level 70 equipment that's useless compared to Veracs. Jagex should quit turning usable content to  buy OSRS gold content that is dead, Barrows is one release from becoming completly redundant as it is.


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