The major point to understand is two distinct events are moving on. There is the scourge invasion and the questline, which takes players to Icecrown and  classic wow gold sends players on a goose hunt for Nathanos. Then there is the zombie infestation, which adds just a small PvP aspect for everything. It isn't surprising some people would want to get involved in the very first event but not the second, as not everyone likes PvP or having their course and race abilities removed and replaced by additional skills. Blizzard could make the infestation only active for one of those months of the invasion, but that is no fun for anybody who misses that week and might want to engage. An infestation is basically a PvP event , so having the capability to opt-in with Warmode makes sense. Even doing something at which for the majority of the invasion, players needed to opt in the infestation by choosing Warmode, but then at the last week, even before Shadowlands fell, the infestation would influence everyone, would probably be the optimal solution.

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