by on August 29, 2020

Fortin Barometer

To measure an accurate atmospheric pressure a forting barometer is used. This is a very accurate type of barometer used in laboratory.

The barometer derives its name from a British naval officer called Fortin, who designed it.

Fortin Barometer used the same principle of simple barometer but the effect of inaccurate scale in simple barometer has been corrected in Fortin Barometer.

The components of Fortin Barometer are:

  1. A vertical glass tube containing mercury with a vacuum above
  2. A reservoir of mercury  at the base
  3. A fixed millimetre scale as well as a movable vernier  scale for reading the mercury level accurately.
  4. A fixed ivory index at the bottom which is the zero of the millimetre scale.

The levelling screw is to adjust the ivory index so that it touches the level of mercury in the reservoir and to make sure the reading starts from zero mark.

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