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on February 26, 2020
Adventist University of Bolivia FOLLOW
Amazon University of Pando FOLLOW
Andean University Simón Bolívar Bolivia FOLLOW
Autonomous University of Beni José Ballivián FOLLOW
Aymara Tupac Katari La Paz Indigenous University FOLLOW
Bolivarian Union University FOLLOW
Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo FOLLOW
Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo Cochabamba FOLLOW
Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo Santa Cruz de la Sierra FOLLOW
Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo Tarija FOLLOW
Bolivian Evangelical University FOLLOW
Bolivian Private University FOLLOW
Bolivian University of Technology FOLLOW
Bolivian University of Technology Postgraduate FOLLOW
Business University of the Andes FOLLOW
Christian University of Bolivia FOLLOW
Cosmos Private Technical University FOLLOW
El Alto Public University FOLLOW
Franz Tamayo Private University FOLLOW
Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University FOLLOW
Guaraní Apiaguaiki Tupa Chuquisaca Indigenous University FOLLOW
Juan Misael Saracho Autonomous University FOLLOW
La Salle University of La Paz FOLLOW
Latin American Open Private University FOLLOW
Latin American University FOLLOW
Loyola University of Bolivia FOLLOW
Military School of Engineering FOLLOW
National Ecological University FOLLOW
National University of the East FOLLOW
National University XX Century Llallagua FOLLOW
Oruro Private University FOLLOW
Our Lady of Peace University FOLLOW
Pedagogical University Mariscal Sucre FOLLOW
Private University Domingo Savio FOLLOW
Private University of Administrative and Technological Sciences FOLLOW
Private University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra FOLLOW
Private University San Francisco de Asis FOLLOW
Private Valley University FOLLOW
Quechua Casimiro Huanca Cochabamba Indigenous University FOLLOW
Salesian University of Bolivia FOLLOW
Santa Cruz Private University of Technology FOLLOW
Simon I Patiño University FOLLOW
Summit Private University FOLLOW
Technical University of Oruro FOLLOW
Tomás Frias Autonomous University FOLLOW
Universidad Mayor de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca FOLLOW
Posted in: Education
list of universities in bolivia
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