by on March 5, 2020


Academia                                                       FOLLOW

Academy of Visual Arts Ljubljana                FOLLOW

Alma Mater Europaea (European Study Center Maribor / Visokošolski zavod ESM)          FOLLOW

B2 College of Business Sciences                   FOLLOW

Bled School of Management                         FOLLOW

Catholic Institute Faculty of Business Studies          FOLLOW

College of Accounting Ljubljana                  FOLLOW

College of Health Sciences Slovenj Gradec  FOLLOW

College of Services Ljubljana                        FOLLOW

College of Visual Arts Ljubljana Arthouse   FOLLOW

DOBA                                                           FOLLOW

DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor     FOLLOW

Environmental Protection College Velenje   FOLLOW

Euro-Mediterranean University Portorož      FOLLOW

Faculty for Polymer Technology                   FOLLOW

Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences Celje FOLLOW

Faculty of Design                                          FOLLOW

Faculty of Health Care Angele Boskin         FOLLOW

Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo Mesto         FOLLOW

Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto         FOLLOW

Faculty of Management Koper                      FOLLOW

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Maribor FOLLOW

Faculty of Media Ljubljana                           FOLLOW

Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto        FOLLOW

Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož Turistica           FOLLOW

Fizioterapevtika Higher Education Institution           FOLLOW

GEA College of Entrepreneurship Piran       FOLLOW

Graduate School of Humanities                    FOLLOW

Health College in Celje                                  FOLLOW

Higher School of Economy Celje                  FOLLOW

IBS International Business School                FOLLOW

Institute and Academy of Multimedia IAM FOLLOW

International School for Social and Business Studies Celje  FOLLOW

Jána Albrech Music and Art Academy         FOLLOW

Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Ljubljana    FOLLOW

Landscape Governance College Grm Novo Mesto    FOLLOW

New University                                             FOLLOW

School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica FOLLOW

University of Ljubljana                                  FOLLOW

University of Maribor                                    FOLLOW

University of Nova Gorica                            FOLLOW

University of Novo Mesto                             FOLLOW

University of Primorska                                 FOLLOW


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