As the Super Bowl looms just over the horizon. That means that we're wrapping up an NFL season's worth of Madden nfl 22 coins gameplay after Madden 22 launched back in August.

It's unclear exactly what categories they're using to define these awards, but they're not yet clear in the same way they have crowned a rookie of the Year and have followed it up by highlighting some of the Tackles and Interceptions leading players in Madden 22.

EA keeps data on how players play throughout the year in virtual games and one of the things they can do is then determine which NFL players are performing to gamers.

So far , we've seen only a few reveals and they're keeping getting more and more so that we may have a full Madden 22 Awards class by the evening.

All Madden 22 Awards Players Lists (so far)

While there are still more Madden 22 Awards for announcement, we've discovered four players being honored.

The first was Micah Parsons, and cheap Madden 22 coins he's chosen as the Rookie of the Year for the Madden 22 Awards. While the criteria for this award isn't than clear It's an incredibly logical option given the way Parsons did on the field this season.

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