"As for pre-nerf C'Thun, there is absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that contrary to the meme which came from 2006 IRC logs, pre-nerf C'Thun is not mathematically impossible. Players are doing triple or even quadruple the quantities of individuals's DPS back then so even a pre-nerf C'Thun would easily collapse. It is a matter of the playerbase being significantly more skillful, and  classic gold wow knowledgeable.

When you look at the damage logs of any C'Thun kill right you can now see that's true. You have got players performing between 200 to 300 dps on bosses, and since this can be Classic WoW you understand they're watching a movie on their second screen while they perform it. It is hard to find accurate numbers, since most people were not keeping track of dps 15 years ago, but based on Minmaxed, it had been much less than what we are seeing now:"[There's] a general consensus among individuals who did play back then is that it had been'way less.' The concept that pre-nerf C'Thun is too high a damage check is foolish."

Practised on our own client for several weeks before it went live, developing strategies and getting knowledgeable about the trash and experiences," Minmaxed said. "I think the majority of the guild could have liked C'Thun to be more difficult, but when speaking about the whole'mathematically impossible' C'Thun I do not necessarily believe it was about maths as it had been about the encounter being calmed with tentacles spawning inside of walls and  buy wow classic gold beaming your raid while being from line of sight."


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