To be able to preserve the feel of the game, Blizzard are taking a similar approach with wow classic gold . The game launched in roughly the same state as vanilla WoW has been after its release, and they'll be rolling out additional content in various phases, following more or less the same sequence as the first so as to maintain the planned progression.

This represents a break from tradition for Blizzard, who in the retail game have consistently unlocked fresh raids at several times for North America, Europe, and Asia. It has long been a point of contention for those who participate in or follow the race to the world first completion in a brand new raid, but for Blackwing Lair it seems everyone will begin on a level footing.

Another big news is that the arrival of the Darkmoon Faire, which is a world event offering matches, loot, and much more -- including the much sought-after Darkmoon Decks. The Faire will set up in Mulgore and Elwyn Forest, with  cheap classic wow gold the festivities launch on February 10.


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