The issue with adding coaches at the sport is, (a) how can this influence the team by employing them and (2) will this actually break the game play even more? Also in the appearances of the list of things being added they do not have any idea on what direction to go in. Exactly why is everything a gimmick with them? Why don't you work on the TRUE SIMULATION component of  Mut 21 coins the match first and then add in the extra stuff? We've been getting the same recycled garbage within our ONLY football match and its time for them to do it stop trying. Are these all things that very obviously should have already been in the game? Absolutely! Nonetheless, it's a positive that they're at least incorporating these items in some capacity. The simple fact that they actually are listening in some manner is a large plus moving forward. I haven't purchased the game but if the three intended franchise updates actually seem decent enough, I would consider buying it at a discounted cost this year.

Sure it's a positive step and I'm glad they are finally addressing improving the franchise style. However, the simple fact that it's going to take more than 2 fucking weeks for us to get 4 minor upgrades is absurd. This leads me to believe the coding and/or preparation of franchise style is so fucking broken that it'll take 2 months to implement minor quality of life updates. Do not get me wrong, I am glad they're finally addressing franchise style, but the time it'll take for us to get them is fucking absurd. And if it requires two fucking weeks for part 1 of 3 to arrive, then just how fucking long before we get part two? And then how much fucking longer to find part 3?

Part 1 will fall when some teams are already eliminate from qualifying to the fucking playoffs. At that rate, we will probably be fucking lucky if we get part 2 ahead of the Super Bowl. Then who the fuck knows when we'll get a part 3. If EA really gave a shit then they'd prioritize these fucking updates and get them out in a reasonable and timely fucking manner. However, they do not fucking care in any way. This is too fucking little, too fucking late.

How Madden's sales explain something that no gamer wants to  buy Madden 21 coins listen to.


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