by on June 13, 2020


Addition of vectors


Resultant of vectors 

When two or more vectors are added to produce only one vector, the result of the  vectors is called the Resultant of the vectors.


What is the resultant of vector A and B  ( in fig 1 above) acting :

  1. In the same direction
  2. Opposite direction
  3. Both at an angle N60E to each other

What will be the resultant if A ACTS TOWARD WEST and B at N30E ?

Take A=20N and B = 30N



See fig 1& 2 above


      The resultant of two vectors acting in the same direction is the sum of the magnitude of the vectors and the resultant direction is the direction of the two vectors. See fig1

R = A+B   = 20+30 =50N alond same direction with Aand B


The resultant of two vectors acting in the opposite direction is the difference in the magnitude of the vectors and the resultant direction is the direction of the  vector with larger magnitude. See fig 2

R=B-A in the direction of B

R= 30-20 =10N along B



Same direction

If A=B  then R=A+B  along A and B


Opposite direction

If A=B then R=0 and the system will be in equilibrium


iii    solution see parallelogram law of vector for solution to question iii

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